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Pre-Order Organic Vegetable Seedlings here!
May 10-11 (9am-5pm) Best Perennial Selection
May 24-25 (9am-5pm) Veggie Seedlings Ready
June 7 (9am-Noon) Free Class after Closing
September 6-7 (9am-5pm) Tree & Shrub Sale
No Drop-ins outside of open weekends, please!
Our Location
We are located at 439 Pembroke Street, Pembroke NH 03275
Online Resources
*Download instructions for Growing Lupine From Seed
*To get updates for your garden "Like" Found Well Farm on Facebook!
Native Plant Nursery
Native plants are in demand because of the vital role they play in maintaining and restoring ecosystems. Development and environmental pressures have compromised or destroyed many areas of native vegetation, therefore we strive to provide locally raised or disease-resistant varieties that will enhance our unique New Hampshire countryside.
Organically Grown
We only use earth-friendly practices in both the greenhouse and in the native-plant nursery. For information about Organic Certification, please see the blog article.
Dedicated to New Hampshire
At Found Well Farm, our academic and practical experience with the New Hampshire landscape motivates our business. If you need something we are not offering, please ask!
NH Projects
Our plants are used in local planting efforts!
*McLane Audubon Center, Concord NH
*Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat, Concord - NH Fish & Game
*Society for the Protection of NH Forests, Concord
*Town Hall, Meredith NH
*Unitarian-Universalist Church of Concord, NH Memorial Garden
*New Castle, NH Library
*Town of Pembroke, NH
*NH National Guard, Concord NH
*Benson Park, Hudson NH
Green Efforts
Goats as Brush Control Wizards!
Greenhouse Fuel
We use a woodstove in the greenhouse to save on the amount of fossil fuel we burn to keep the seedlings safe on chilly spring nights. It won’t eliminate the need for propane, it is carbon neutral!
Farm as Wildlife Habitat
Found Well Farm has been certified by the National Wildlife Federation as having all the elements needed to promote wildlife conservation.
Fabric Pots
We have opted to use fabric pots banked in wood chips rather than plastic pots to improve the quality of root systems and to decrease watering demand. Less transplant shock means less worry for you too. Plant one of our trees and see!
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